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$25,000 gift to Family Promise of Greater Indianapolis' endowment!


We are thrilled to announce the largest gift to date to our endowment--a $25,000 donation from Marcella and Alex Slabosky, both volunteers with our program at Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation! Marcella is a former Family Promise board member and a veteran of the Home Sweet Home Committee. Alex also served on the board, including as president and even interim director for three months in 2016. He is currently on the board and chairs the Awareness & Policy Committee. They are pictured above recording our 25th anniversary tribute video in 2019.

"We have been volunteering with Family Promise for over 20 years and have seen how it has benefited so many lives. We want to help ensure that Family Promise continues to help children and their families."

Thank you, Alex and Marcella, for your generosity! The endowment helps ensure interfaith and family-preserving shelter programs continue into the future. If you are interested in how you can give to the endowment today or in a planned gift, feel free to contact us.

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